Surviving Rain on Your Wedding Day (With Great Photos Intact)

Bride in white boots and groom wearing black boots in the rain

The topic of rain on your wedding day is never far from the minds of Scottish engaged couples. It probably goes without saying that everyone would like blue skies and little fluffy clouds (orbital anyone!?), but Scotland likes to keep you on your toes, and often at least a wee shower will occur on the day.

Bride and groom walk through rain in glencoe elopement bride has red hair

Don’t let it get you down! Your wedding day is still your wedding day and the rain can sometimes be a blessing in disguise! Moody cloudy skies make for epic dramatic portraits. It rarely rains all day and when the clouds break and the sun shines through you can be sure I’ll be ready for it and we can make a dash for the outside and get those back-lit sunset shots.

bride lifts dress to show black boots
Bride jumps over a puddle in wedding dress

And if it just doesn’t let up all day, then what? Well - I’m game if you are. Bring a practical pair of shoes (or even wellies if the terrain demands it) and a brolley that you’re happy to feature in your wedding photos forever (so no garish branded golf umbrellas, please. I’m a big golf guy but there is a time and a place!), and we’ll just go for it. You’ll get a bit wet and it’ll be a bit cold, but you’re not going to wear that dress again anyway, right?

Wedding guests umbrella blows inside out
details shot of bride and grooms boots

Okay, if that’s not an option, then there’s more good news: you can get beautiful, dramatic, contrasty images under cover or indoors, using natural window light or artificial light. This is where having a technical and versatile photographer comes in - the ability to cope with a variety of conditions quickly and creatively is a learned skill. 

Plan ahead - Getting married in Glasgow’s west end? Look into getting wedding photos at the Botanic Gardens!

Bride and groom portrait at Botanic Gardens Glasgow
Groom holds umbrella for bride at speyside river bank

And after dark, if it’s still raining, then that’s when things can get pretty special with a couple of brollies and some imagination!

bride and groom under umbrella with lit up rain drops at night
creative nighttime wedding image of light trails
Bride walking with pink wellies on

So my advice - don’t fear the rain. Embrace it, lean into it, make the most of the opportunities - and if the worst comes to the worst, take your shoes off and play in the puddles!

Remember the bride from above using her dress as an umbrella and leaping over muddy puddles? The photo below is half an hour later! You know what they say about Scotland - Don’t like the weather? Just wait 5 minutes!

Gavin McGregor